TOTAL_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS) { $fn = TOTAL_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS; } // deny guests if (!$u_id) { force_login(); } // invalid groupid: default to group-search masthead if ($g <= 0) { printhtmlheader('Security'); printmasthead ('Security','masthead_group_search'); print (''); die (); } // security check $editable = $userinfo["sa"]; if ($g > 0) { $r = query ("select * from groups where groupid=" . $g . ";"); $g_info = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC) or die ("Error accessing database for group id=" . $g); if (!$editable) { $editable = is_allowed (ACCESS_ADMIN); } } if (!$editable) { include "accessdenied.php"; } $minspecialid = 0; // 'minimum special id'; i.e. // -2 if all browsers are ok for this function // -1 if all directory members are ok for this function if ($fn == ACCESS_FORUM_NEWTOPIC) { $minspecialid = -2; } else if ($fn == ACCESS_FORUM_POST) { $minspecialid = -2; } else if ($fn == ACCESS_FORUM_VIEW) { $minspecialid = -2; } else if ($fn == ACCESS_SPAM) { $minspecialid = -1; } // ADD USERGROUP // - uses $g2 variable, set by masthead_group2_search below // - if $g2 is -1, adding "all directory members"; // - if $g2 is -2, adding "all internet browsers"; if ($g2 > 0) { // ensure no duplicates $r = query ('select groupname from groups,access where groupid=usergroupid and usergroupid=' . $g2 . ' and functiongroupid=' . $g . ' and functionid=' . $fn . ';'); if ($info = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { noteerror ('"' . crunchtext($info["groupname"]) . '" already has access to this function.'); } else if (query('insert into access set usergroupid=' . $g2 . ', functiongroupid=' . $g . ', functionid=' . $fn . ', accesslevel=1;')) { $change_report = 'Permission successfully granted.'; } else { noteerror ('Could not grant permission.'); } } else if (($g2 < 0) and ($g2 >= $minspecialid)) { $info["-1"] = "Directory members"; $info["-2"] = "Internet browsers"; $r = query ('select * from access where usergroupid=' . $g2 . ' and functiongroupid=' . $g . ' and functionid=' . $fn . ';'); if ($info = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { noteerror ('"' . crunchtext($info[$g2]) . '" already have access to this function.'); } else if (query('insert into access set usergroupid=' . $g2 . ', functiongroupid=' . $g . ', functionid=' . $fn . ', accesslevel=1;')) { $change_report = 'Permission successfully granted.'; } else { noteerror ('Could not grant permission.'); } } // DELETE PERMISSION $usergroupcount = 0; while (isset($_POST["edit_usergroup_id_" . ++$usergroupcount])) { // get information $usergroupid = $_POST["edit_usergroup_id_" . $usergroupcount]; $usergroupdelete = $_POST["edit_usergroup_delete_" . $usergroupcount]; // delete usergroup if ($usergroupdelete) { $q = 'delete from access where usergroupid=' . $usergroupid . ' and functiongroupid=' . $g . ' and functionid=' . $fn . ';'; if (query ($q)) { $change_report = 'Information updated.'; } else { noteerror ('Could not remove permission.'); } } } // ============================================================================================= // ----- BEGIN VISIBLE PAGE ----- // ============================================================================================= function masthead_permission_edit () { global $g, $BGCOLOUR_LIGHT, $BGCOLOUR_DARK; masthead_group_search('g,fn'); if ($g) { print ''; print ''; print ' Edit group | '; print 'Browse group | '; print 'Browse forums | '; print ""; } } printhtmlheader ('Security: ' . crunchtext($g_info["groupname"])); printmasthead ('Security','masthead_permission_edit'); printeditfeedback (); print '

' . crunchtext($g_info["groupname"]) . "

\n"; // select function $fnnames[ACCESS_ADMIN] = 'General Administration'; $fnnames[ACCESS_FORUM_MODERATE] = 'Forum Moderation'; $fnnames[ACCESS_FORUM_NEWTOPIC] = 'Forum Topic Creation'; $fnnames[ACCESS_FORUM_POST] = 'Forum Posting'; $fnnames[ACCESS_FORUM_VIEW] = 'Forum Viewing'; $fnnames[ACCESS_DATAENTRY] = 'Data Entry'; $fnnames[ACCESS_SPAM] = 'Spam'; print '

Selected Function: ' . $fnnames[$fn] . '

'; formstart(); print 'Change selected function: '; $_POST["g"] = $g; formhiddeninput("g"); $_POST["fn"] = $fn; formpopupinput ('fn', $fnnames); formend(); if ($fn > 0) { // add usergroup print "

Grant " . $fnnames[$fn] . " Privileges

\n"; print '' . "\n"; if ($minspecialid <= -2) { $g2 = -2; $extraurl = append_url_vars_pg ("fn,g2"); print ''; } if ($minspecialid <= -1) { $g2 = -1; $extraurl = append_url_vars_pg ("fn,g2"); print ''; } print "
'; print ''; print 'Grant to all Internet browsers.'; print '
'; print ''; print 'Grant to all directory members.'; print '

\n"; print '' . "\n"; masthead_group2_search('g,fn'); print "

Remove " . $fnnames[$fn] . " Privileges

\n"; $usergroupcount = 0; // step 1: compile list of groups with access // check for special permissions $q = 'select * from access where functiongroupid=' . $g; $q .= ' and functionid=' . $fn; $q .= ' and usergroupid<0;'; $r = query ($q) or die ('Error accessing access table with:

' . $q); if (mysql_num_rows($r)) { while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if ($info["usergroupid"] == -1) { $info["groupname"] = 'Directory members'; } else if ($info["usergroupid"] == -2) { $info["groupname"] = 'Internet browsers'; } $grouplist[] = $info; } } // get specific usergroups $q = 'select * from groups'; $q .= ' left join access on usergroupid=groupid'; $q .= ' where functiongroupid=' . $g; $q .= ' and functionid=' . $fn; $q .= ' order by groupname;'; $r = query ($q) or die ('Error accessing access table with:

' . $q); if (mysql_num_rows($r)) { while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $grouplist[] = $info; } } $usergroupcount = 0; function displayusergroup ($usergroup) { global $usergroupcount; // install relevant data into POST variable $usergroupformid="edit_usergroup_id_" . ++$usergroupcount; $_POST[$usergroupformid] = $usergroup["usergroupid"]; $usergroupformdelete="edit_usergroup_delete_" . $usergroupcount; $_POST[$usergroupformdelete] = false; print ''; formhiddeninput ($usergroupformid); formcheckboxinput ($usergroupformdelete); if ($usergroup["usergroupid"] > 0) { print crunchtext($usergroup["groupname"]); } else if ($usergroup["usergroupid"] == -1) { print "Directory members"; } else if ($usergroup["usergroupid"] == -2) { print "All Internet browsers"; } print "\n"; } if (count($grouplist)) { formstart(); $_POST["g"] = $g; formhiddeninput ("g"); $_POST["fn"] = $fn; formhiddeninput ("fn"); print "\n"; while (list($key,$usergroup) = each($grouplist)) { displayusergroup($usergroup); } print "

"; formend(); } else { print "No " . $fnnames[$fn] . " privileges have been granted for this group."; } } ?>


  • Access privileges are granted to groups, not individuals. ACCESS_ADMIN) { ?>
  • Members with General Administration privileges for a group have automatic access to every function.
  • Members of administration groups defined on this page will be allowed to:
    • edit basic group information,
    • create, add or remove group members,
    • create, add or remove subgroups, and
    • add, edit or remove discussion forums.
  • Members of forum moderation groups defined on this page will be allowed to edit or delete any topic or message posted to one of this group's forums.
  • This permission automatically includes full forum participation privileges.
  • Members of groups selected on this page will be allowed to create new topics on this group's forums.
  • This permission automatically includes the ability to view and post messages.
  • Members of groups selected on this page will be allowed to post messages on existing topics on this group's forums.
  • This permission automatically includes the ability to view messages.
  • Members of groups selected on this page will be allowed to read the contents of this group's forums.
  • Members of groups selected on this page will be allowed to edit group information and change group membership.
  • Members of groups selected on this page will be allowed to send bulk emails to all members of this group.